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TOPIC: Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects?
King Koopa
Posts: 309
Trinity SH101 Juno6 JX3P cs10 NM1 Z1 K5000s MB33II Ipad3 MicroQ TX81z DX200 WS/AD VZ8m XD5 DP4 Gtrz
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 12 Years, 4 Months ago
Got this working. The save sample settings action is useful for retaining sample settings when reloading a slot. Long way around though for sure. Can definitely recommend a backup to computer/alternate cf card though beforehand as it would be easy to mess things up.

Thanks for the help guys.
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Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 11 Years, 11 Months ago

I don't know if it has been said somewhere else before, but I just made this and it works perfect :
- turn on the USB disk mode from the OT.
- on your computer, go on the folder of the track you want to copy a bank.
- if you want to duplicate bank 1 to bank 2, just rename the files "" and "bank01.strd" to the desired bank number.

Every track parameters, sample slots and patterns are now duplicated. That's usefull for me because I want to create songs within the arrangement with more than 16 different patterns. But still it's a pain that it's not possible to link the track parameters between the banks if needed, or copy/load banks directly within the OT.

The trouble with this, is if I change a track parameters from bank 1, it doesn't change in bank 2 (even my master volume on track 8!), and I want all those parameters to stay the same during my whole song.

EDIT : oops sorry, that was written a few messages before and I didn't see.
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Posts: 17
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 11 Years, 5 Months ago
I'd like to bring this thread back from the dead to ask anyone if they have figured out any other ways to pull this off. If wanting to make a project from banks from 3 different projects, what is the best way possible? Anyone?
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Posts: 17
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Ok mission accomplished. For those of you finding this thread, it is possible using the combined info here. I'll share my experience if that helps anyone. Took me like 4 hours with me taking my time and also some jamming. I combined banks from 3 projects into 1. N_Rain's advice in reply #1 helped a lot. I will amend theirs with some other posts and my own. This was in fact a huge PITA and this feature is most needed to protect my future sanity. This time could have been spent making beats!

** Backup everything to your computer in a folder just in case ** (no, really do it.)

1. Make a new project called "empty" that you can pull empty banks from.

2. start with a project that has the most banks that you plan on using.

3. make note of which bank #s you plan on keeping.

connect USB

3. Copy empty banks from "empty" and write over the banks in the new main project that you dont want to use so that all that remains are the banks you want to go forward with.

back to octatrack

4. Purge all samples in new main project.

4a COLLECT SAMPLES from project menu. this puts all unpurged samples in the project folder and disconnects the project from the audio folder.

5. Go to next project. SAVE TO NEW PROJECT in project menu.


6. again copy empty banks from the "empty" project over ones you dont want in all remaining projects that have banks you want to copy from.




(repeat if necessary)

9. write down a chart of all samples in every part. You do not need to make note of the machine type, the bank file stores this info.

10. also, "Save Sample Settings" for each sample in the Operations Menu. this creates a file with an .ot extension. I found that you only have to do this with samples that you actually adjusted in some way. either gain, BPM, or changes to timestretch settings. If you miss saving one that you should have, you can copy/paste later.

I should note that I believe this saving of .ot files does not save statrt/end point settings settings. not 100% sure but will figure that out eventually. maybe that's in the file?


11. Copy all of these collected samples into the main project.

12. copy banks into the new main project. you may need to open a third empty window on your desktop like "sandbox" where you can drop bank files and easily change their file names.


13. jam out and figure out what's wrong and missing. you wlll find that it is possible to go back to the original banks and copy/paste either sample slots, tracks, parts, etc. yes, this sucks for Sample locks. you gotta go get those manually. different situations called for different copy/paste procedures. good luck.

I should also point out that when you are on a part, and you double tap the track to see what sample is loaded, if it is blank that means if you do place the right sample there, and you use that sample slot in multiple parts, it will do it for all of them. this saved some time when the Kick or something universal was placed luckily on an empty slot. hope that makes sense.

i probably missed something. it's been a long day in the lab. questions? happy thanksgiving if u live in usa, or anywhere for that matter. if you have an octatrack, give thanks. peace.

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Posts: 137
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 10 Years, 12 Months ago
I want to reorganize my banks and this is the post I have found searching the forum.

Is this the latest, easiest method to do it? Or is there a simpler or easier way?


P.D. I wrote to the Elektron support but they were not of much help. They have no plans to include this feature in an Os upgrade!.

This was their response:

I am afraid there is no current plans to organize your BANKS in between PROJECTS.

The way to get over this would be to use same PROJECT for all the songs you are going to play and treat each BANK as a different song. So each PROJECT can hold 16 songs.

Hope this helps.

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Posts: 9
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 10 Years, 12 Months ago
Cenk - Elektron wrote:
The way to get over this would be to use same PROJECT for all the songs you are going to play and treat each BANK as a different song. So each PROJECT can hold 16 songs.

if i was building a setilist i'd export each soundset, file or loop & build a new Set & Audio Pool around all lthe sounds i'd be using. a bit of a pain but you know you'll have everything you need.
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Posts: 26
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Yikes, I'm learning the OT right now and this is the biggest drawback I've discovered so far. Seems like it requires a level of forethought that's really unlikely. Like, if you made a new PROJECT of songs for a live set, but wanted to play one song from a previous PROJECT... you're pretty screwed.

The best solution in this thread seems to be the one where you use an external looper to cover your a-- while you switch PROJECTS.
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Killer Beez
Posts: 1114
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 10 Years, 11 Months ago
I agree that this is a huge drawback, and TBH tends to somewhat stifle my creativity with the OT as my main use is for live performance, and I am really not a carefully plan out from scratch the 16 songs I always want to play as one set kind of guy.

I think that if Elektron were to be up to the task at any time, the best solution would not necessarily be to be able to import a bank from another project into any project as this could get messy fast, but rather to have specific project type for consolidating banks from other projects kind of like building a play list in a media player. (perhaps the projects could be called "performances" ?)

The way this would work in my head is that when you imported a bank into this "special" project, all samples in the bank would be loaded sequentially and sample locks would be remapped accordingly. Repeat for each bank imported until out of sample slots or sample memory, then no more bank loading would be possible. Nice 'n simple.

Also nice if banks could be exported from a project. This would simplify the process of browsing for banks to import.

It really doesn't seem so far fetched a request to me and would make working with the OT an infinite amount more flexible and pleasurable.

Here's hoping..
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Posts: 26
Re:Octatrack - Moving banks/parts between projects? 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Yeah, that sounds like an interesting way to do it. I'm sure it's no easy task creating a solution to deal with all of the things that could go wrong when attempting this.

Right now, I feel like I'm doing a bunch of random exploratory work just to understand this machine, but what if I come up with something I really like? It will be lumped in with a bunch of useless noodling and extracting it to a more polished Project in the future will be a real pain. I shouldn't have to think about this as an "artist," and hopefully Elektron comes up with a way to deal with it.
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